
The following are character descriptions written by Shaza. Character descriptions include notes by Watsuki and as the manga by Shonen Jump releases, the character descriptions will keep getting bigger. Thank you Hitokiri Shishio for corrections and input on some of these.

Kenshin Gumi
The main Kenshin group, that everyone loves.

The ninjas of the Bakamatsu (and still existant) with incredible skills.

Juppon Gatana
The warriors of the Kyoto Arc, trying to overthrow the government.

The Six Comrades
The Jinchuu arc group, trying to kill and punish Kenshin.

Main Protagonists
People who appear in more than 2 volumes of Kenshin w/ large roles.

Minor Protagonists
Those other nice and good people that we simply can’t forget.

Minor Antagonists
The other people who send chills down your spine or are stupid…