
Below is a list of all the affiliates of Too Ugly, the TAFL approved fanlisting for the character Ayasegawa Yumichika from the anime/manga series; BLEACH.

If you wish to affiliate with Too Ugly, please use the form below or email me at

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The Layout

I had troubles making the layout that would fit Yumichika. This one that I think is quite a success was my third attempt. The first one, I've thought of following the previous layout, with the same theme color but only with slight differences with the contrast. I was stuck at first because it's too orangish, and looks like a citrus, so on my second attempt, I've tried to desaturate it a little, with a big shadow image of Yumichika. Apparently, the second attempt was a complete failure because it looked like garbage-themed. *face palm*

Finally, my third attempt, I've cropped the image and exclude the orange background and finally put up some textures as his background--there you go, I ended up with mocha-themed fanlisting. Behind the texture, there's a big parfait XD and my friend suggested to get rid of it because it looks over done, as he says. So, instead of deleting the texture that has the mocha color, I've just added another layer of a different texture to somewhat cover it. Look for the parfait. XD

Images » Taken from the previous layout designed by Lili.
Textures » Septdesnovembre


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Too Ugly! © 2012-2024 by AkiHome
Bleach and Yumichika © Kubo Tite/Shueisha.