
Below is a list of all the affiliates of Flamboyant Fruit, the TAFL approved fanlisting for the anime/manga character Ayame Sohma.

 Episode 06 Fruits Basket (Furuba) Hanajima Megumi Hanajima Saki, Honda Tohru, & Uotani Arisa Honda Katsuya Honda Katsuya & Honda Kyouko Honda Tohru Honda Tohru, Sohma Kyou & Sohma Yuki Manabe Kakeru & Sohma Yuki Sohma Ayame & Sohma Shigure Sohma Ayame, Sohma Hatori & Sohma Shigure Sohma Hiro Sohma Kureno & Uotani Arisa Sohma Ritsu Uotani Arisa

If you wish to affiliate with Flamboyant Fruit, please use the form below or email me at reijou.net@gmail.com.

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Flamboyant Fruit is the only fanlisting approved by the anime fanlistings network for the character Ayame Sohma from the anime/manga series Fruits Basket. Ayame Sohma and Fruits basket was created and written by Kaori Yuki and this fanlisting is not officially approved by the said creator. It is specifically for fun to unite the people who adores/love Ayame throughout the world.

I designed the layout but I don't claim copyrights or ownership to the images used, so please do not reproduce it in any way. It was designed using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and was hand-coded in Notepad++.

Please donate to keep this site running for the next renewal. Even $1.00 is an immense help!
Many thanks in advance!
Layout and some contents are © of Aki 2013-2025. I do not claim ownership over any of the works mentioned in this fanlisting, each belongs to its respective author/creator. Please do not redistribute without permission.