My desire keeps escalating, driving me crazy.

Please read the following rules before joining Sinful Love; the TAFL-approved fanlisting for Kazutaka Muraki from the anime/manga series Yami no Matsuei.

  1. You must be a fan of course.

  2. A real name is much appreciated, but if you choose to use a screen name, kindly please avoid using offensive names and specialized characters or super C@SeS3n$1+!v3.

  3. You must provide us a working email address and a country.

  4. Website is optional, but if you have and want it to be listed on the fanlisting:

    • It has to be yours and is currently working. Any sites such, or any other sites like that will not be tolerated. If you submit something like this, I retain the rights to leave your URL field blank.

    • Your site must not contain any offensive contents (i.g. pornography, racist, swearing, etc).

    • Please link back to Kazutaka Muraki fanlisting ( using a text link or a button link.

    • If you want to use our buttons, please upload it to your own server and access it from there. Please, NO DIRECT-LINKING!

  5. You can provide us some dummy password. This is needed if you wish to update your information.

Show yourself only to me...

These are the buttons you can use to link back to this fanlisting. Please upload the button of your choice to your own server.

If you'd like to donate a button for this site, just email them to with your name and URL/email so I can put them up and give you a credit.

50 x 50 made by Mitzrael

75 x 50 made by Mitzrael

100 x 50 made by Mitzrael

100 x 35

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