The fanlisting Love & Despair was last updated on 31st March 2025 with Tsuzuki currently having 633 drooling supporters, with 0 waiting to be bishie-raped. Let us all welcome Rin for being crazy and head over heels with the puppy!
Reijou.NETHakumei.ORGTAFLEnthusiast 3.1.6


Please read the following rules before joining Love & Despair; the TAFL-approved fanlisting for Asato Tsuzuki from the anime/manga series Yami no Matsuei.

  1. You must be a fan (and have a great love for this gorgeous shinigami) of course.

  2. A real name is much appreciated, but if you choose to use a screen name, kindly please avoid using offensive names and specialized characters or super C@SeS3n$1+!v3.

  3. You must provide us a working email address and a country.

  4. Website is optional, but if you have and want it to be listed on the fanlisting:

    • It has to be yours and is currently working. Any sites such, or any other sites like that will not be tolerated. If you submit something like this, I retain the rights to leave your URL field blank.

    • Your site must not contain any offensive contents (i.g. pornography, racist, swearing, etc).

    • Please link back to Asato Tsuzuki fanlisting ( using a text link or a button link.

    • If you want to use our buttons, please upload it to your own server and access it from there. Please, NO DIRECT-LINKING!

  5. You can provide us some dummy password. This is needed if you wish to update your information.

Love & Despair © 2018 by Aki. All rights reserved.
This fansite is not affiliated with Yoko Matsushita, Hana to Yume, or Viz comics.
No copyright infringement is intended.