
Benihime's sealed state

Benihime (Crimson Princess) is one of the few known Zanpakuto with a female spirit being owned by a male. When sealed, Benihime takes the form of a shikomizue (a blade hidden inside Urahara's cane). Because it resides in a cane, its hilt is still the handle of the cane, so it looks different from most Zanpakuto. Benihime was originally sealed in an ordinary katana-form with an oval-shaped crossguard and black hilt-wrapping when he still served in the Gotei 13. The shaft of the cane also bears a skull and flame mark at its base, much like that of the Shinigami glove, also capable of separating a soul from the body.


Benihime's release command is "Awaken" (okiro). It takes the form of a sleek, medium-sized sword. Benihime's blade is straight and slim, though somewhat short, with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of being tapered to a point. The grip has a gentle decorative bend that ends at a crimson tassel dangling from the pommel. Instead of a crossguard, there is a U-shaped decoration covering the first three or four inches of the blade, with a flower petal design just as it meets a red string wrapping. The string is wrapped thrice around the hilt, with a three-loop bow on one side and a folded paper decoration on the other.

Benihime is capable of producing various crimson-colored energy techniques. Kisuke can perform these abilities of Benihime by a variety of different verbal commands that corresponds to its different abilities.


The much-awaited Bankai of Urahara is Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame (Modification of the Crimson Princess' Dissection at the Doors of Avalokiteśvara). It takes the form of a giant woman with dark, braided hair arranged in loops on her head and mannequin-like arms who wears a revealing red robe while Urahara himself retains his sealed sword for combat. Kisuke was able to learn his bankai using the three-day method he created; the Tenshintai. He also states that his Bankai is not fit for training or helping others.

Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame has the ability to restructure anything it touches for both offensive and supportive purposes. Offensively, it can split open whatever is within its area of effect as if cutting with a knife. Supportively, it can restructure something by stitching it back together; this can be used as a form of healing, such as when Urahara restored his eyes using this power.